Dairy Free Cooking that Doesn’t Taste Dairy Free



We all strive to lead healthy and active lives on a daily basis in the midst of our hectic schedules. At the same time, it’s hard to ignore those cravings we all have every now and then – whether it’s a big bowl of pasta or sitting in bed with a pint of ice cream – our reasons for eating healthy vary tremendously. For some, their weight or health motivates them, while others strive to simply look good and feel their best. For foodies like me who have never had to watch what they eat thanks to a fast metabolism, healthy eating is not so appealing. My reason for eating healthy comes from the chronic sinus infection I’ve been dealing with for the past year – no fun. This leads to my approach on healthy eating, which focuses on dairy free and anti-inflammatory foods. My recipes definitely don’t line up with what most people consider “healthy eating,” but this is what works for me. If you’re still intrigued, stayed tuned for dairy free spins on some classic dishes that we all love, and read on while I share a few of my dairy free secrets.

My obsession: coconut milk products. This is my #1 secret to cooking dairy free. Whenever a recipe calls for milk, half-and-half, or heavy cream, I replace that with the same amount of either coconut milk or coconut cream. Worried about the taste? Don’t be. Surprisingly enough, I am not the biggest fan of coconut flavor, but I can honestly say I do not taste a difference in the pasta sauces, soups, and every dairy free dish I have made thus far (you’d think they were all FULL of dairy if I didn’t tell you).

This is not a sponsored post, however, I am so in love with this one brand of coconut milk products that I can’t help sharing my obsession with you: SO Delicious Dairy Free. They have everything from coconut milk desserts, yogurt, and coffee creamer to ice cream, holiday nog, and much more.

The Holy Grail
Yes, my obsession is very real.

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